
Aida family of encounter


The future of the rice which we work in cooperation with others on.

Sado Aida Rice farming is cut open to develop a new future of rice in cooperation with relevant agencies of Sado Shimanaigai. Its width is wider to creator and agricultural cooperatives government, companies and. I would like to introduce its efforts here.

「行政との連携、佐渡米のブランド化を」佐渡市役所 Cooperation with the government,the branding of Sado rice. Sado City Office

Sado City Council operates various business activities such as inspections of food exhibitions in- and outside Japan, and attending business meetings to promote Sado rice. The council tries to establish Sado rice as a brand, introducing appeals of Sado island at the same time. Rice farming of Sado caught attention due to the Toki incident, however, there are more charmimg points such as history, traditions, and natural environment on the island. Recently, the council participated in exhibitions in Singapore and Hongkong.

佐渡市役所|SADO city office|www.city.sado.niigata.jp

「農協との連携、独自の販路開拓を」JA佐渡 Cooperation with the government,the branding of Sado rice. Japan Agricultural Cooperatives Sado

Sado Aida Rice Farming Pte. Ltd. chooses JA as a major business partner. JA is a very important body in local life, since they have authority to rise the price of rice which is wish of many farmers. Therefore, we exchange information actively so that more farmers can produce higher qualitied rice. JA Sado also develops markets and succeeded in supplying rice to Olympic athletes. We’d like to continue working with JA aiming for supporting Tokyo Olympic in the future.

JA佐渡|Japan Agricultural Cooperatives Sado|www.ja-sado-niigata.or.jp

「地元酒蔵との連携、酒造米の作付け」尾畑酒造 Cooperation with the government,the branding of Sado rice. Obata Brewing Company

Obata Shuzo Brewery is a veteran sake brewery in Sado established in 1892. They keep on using traditional method. One of or rice is brewers-rice called Koshitanrei, and is raw material of Junmai Daiginjō-shu (Pure rice, Very Special brew) such as Manozuru Miku and Toki Ninsho-mai Koshitanrei. Obata Shuzo Brewery engages in business activities vigorously in- and outside Japan and extended their market. They have also started School Cellar Project which utilizes a closed school as a sake cellar with Universities of Tokyo and surroundings. This project contributes to the development of Sado. Through their activies, we are given opportunities to meet various people and gain enormous motivation.

尾畑酒造|Obata Brewing Company|www.obata-shuzo.com

「頼れるマルチクリエーター」関根勝義(デザイン・写真) A multi-creator dependable Katsuyoshi Sekine_Designer

Katsuyoshi Sekine is a multi-creator whose work includes visual designing, photoshooting, and deals with clients directly. Our company is featured on the first number of SADO'N, a magazine which was edited and published by him. He has experience in the food industry, therefore has connection with key-persons of primary industries within the island. He is also appointed to guide vistors from overseas and journalists.

食文化のPR事業「UMAMI LABO」主宰|Food culture PR business「UMAMI LABO」
爺ちゃんヒーロー「佐渡鬼神ジャン」|Grandpa Hero「SADO KISHIN JAN」

「佐渡人デザイナー」伊藤慎太郎(デザイン) Sado people designer Shintaro Ito_Designer

We entrust him with designning our business card, logo, labels. He not only graduated university of arts with basic skills of designing, but also understands history, culture, and spiritual crimate of Sado. He is an actual designer of Sado.

「すべての思いをカタチに」渡辺修(プロダクト製造) Imaginations into materials Osamu Watanabe_Product manufacturing

Mr. Watanabe manage Suriya, which create original goods by printing designs on various items such as T-shirt. We asked him to print on T-shirts and i Phone cases as well as a signboard with laser print with leaser printing technology. At our meetings, he suggests substantial samples on the spot. He is like a wizard who grants our wish to create new products.

刷屋|Print Shop|www.suriya.jp
モノ刷製作所|Goods Print Factory|www.monosuri.com
新潟Tシャツ委員会|Niigata T-shirts Commissionwww.|niigatat-shirts.com

「小さな雑誌編集者」小林弘樹(媒体編集) An editor of a magazine Hiroki kobayashi_Media editing

In early Spring of 2012, Mr. Kobayashi visited us asking for an interview for his new local magazine. And a feature article of our company was on his magazine LIFE-mag. It gave us an opportunity to re-discover Sado. His publisher is very small so he gathers news, takes photos, designs layouts, and advertises by himself. In the future, we hope that his publisher as well as our company may improve and develop further.

『Niigata Interview Magazine LIFE-mag.』|www.life-mag.com