Sado Island, an island floating among the Sea of Japan, referred to as a miniature Japan. Since the island holds rich nature which fosters Toki (Japanese crested ibis) within; practices traditional performing arts such as Ondeko (Demon Drum Dance) and Noh; has histories concerning to Zeami,Nichiren, and Sado mine; and has abundant marine- and agricultural products.
Sado Aida Rice Farming Co. Ltd. grows rice at Kuninaka Plain in the middle of the Sado Island. The plain is located in a small village called Niibokitagata inside Sado city, there only around 90 families reside. The company is very small; run by three generations of a family – (passed down three generations, the current family with~) with only seven members using a patch of land with 17ha.
In this web site, we introduce how we cultivate our rice and how we interact with people around us; for example, a year-round rice cultivation; the relationship with local authorities, Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), local companies, and creators; and the impact of Ondeko.
We would like to introduce to you the peaceful and historical aspects of a Japanese farming village.
相田家の米づくりは、代表取締役の相田忠明の父、相田康明からすべてが始まりました。1993 年から本格的に専業農家として米作りをスタート。ブランド米として魚沼産が高い評価を受けている中、佐渡で独自の米作りを模索してきました。そして、佐渡で養殖が盛んな牡蠣の殻に水の浄化殺菌作用や肥料としての効果を見つけ出し、佐渡の牡蠣殻を利用した有機肥料減農薬牡蠣殻稲作農法(以下、カキ殻農法)を作り出しました。
The rice farming of the Aida family was first started by Yasuaki Aida, father of the now CEO Tadaaki Aida. In 1993, he started the business as a full-time rice farmer. Although Uonuma Koshihikari was the most popular rice variey in the region, Yasuaki Aida had searched for his own rice cultivation method. He found out that oyster shells had the effect of water purification, sterization as well as fertilisation, and created an Organic fertilizer reduced agrochemical oyster-shell rice farming method (oyster-shell rice farming method).
Since 1996, the Aidas have continuously received the best prize of Rice Quality Competition hosted by JA Sado. In 2000, the company received Niigata Prefectural Governer’s first prize and Economic Chairman’s prize of Niigata Agricultural Cooperative Associations.
In 2002, we were featured on our oyster shell method in Gendai Nougyou magazine and made the cover of the issue.
In 2003, our rice was named ‘Sado Super Koshihikari’ by relevant administrative units of government and JA Sado, they researched our cultivation method empirically. Subsequently, our rice has been often featured by media such as newspapers and TV programs, and many inspectors from industrial bodies and administrative units of government visited our rice fields.
We do not sell our rice directly to consumers since we entrust the sales to JA Sado, yet at Niigata Rice Fair in Isetan Shinjuku we had a chance to meet customers from Sado. Consumption
of our rice gradually spread in Kanto region. Even after the fair fnished, our reputation spread from Hokkaido, the north-most region all the way down to Okinawa, the south-most by wordof-mouth. Aida’s Sado Super Koshihikari had been gaining its status step by step.
In 2010, Tadaaki, the son of the founder Yasuaki joined in the family business. In 2013, Sado Aida Rice Farming Co. Ltd. was established by Tadaaki as CEO.
We call ourselves ‘Rice Artisan’, since we decided to grow riceprofessionally. Two generations of Rice Artisans have researched and struggled to achieve Sado’s unique rice cultivation.
Rice Artisan - I came up with this title when I was making my father’s business card. The definition of artisan is an occupational craftperson with experience and skills. The word artisan usually refers to those who in manufacturing industry, however, I like to be called Rice Artisan.
I believe Japanese people love rice more than anyone else in any other countries. Not only that, we also care the process of ricecultivationvery much. Japan as a small island country has always tried to make the best use of the limeted land area without forgetting gratitude and modesty to the nature where blessed by four seasons.
I am very happy from the bottom of my heart that I can contribute to rice cultivation industry in a place where I was born and grew up. It’s only five years since I have started working as a rice artisan, still I feel so happy to see rice plants to grow each year. There were some years all our effort turned out to be wasted in harvestingseason, and yet we had to start preparing for the coming year soon afterwords. Everyone in this indutry struggle to produce their ideal rice every year. Even my father who has almost forty years
experience, as well as an old man next door who has more than sixty years experience do so. All of us work in the rice field only to grow one’s ideal rice.
Nowadays it is said Japanese people consume less rice as our diet diversifies. I am no exception; I like breads, pastas, and ramens. Dietary practices are changed with time, and it is inevitable. However, rice has always remained the most important item on our dining tables, and it will be in the future as well. And Japanese rice, our treasure, will be delivered to overseas and be loved by people from all over the world.
I still need to learn more about rice cultivation from surrounding rice artisans. To become my ideal rice artisan, I will follow my father and do my best for the coming year’s rice cultivation.